Registration for our Fall Classes are OPEN!
For kids ages 6 to 16!
Learn Musical Theatre through an audition process that ends in two performances of a musical production!
Fall Class Dates: 26 Aug-23 Nov
Three Classes:
Class A: Monday/Wednesday 4:00 to 5:30pm
Class B: Tuesday/Thursday 4:00 to 5:30pm
Class C: Tuesday/Thursday 6:00 to 7:30pm
Dress Rehearsals and Performances will be 18-23 Nov. Dates will be provided before the end of July.
Each class will have a morning school field trip performance at 9:30am and a public performance.
Each class will be limited to 20 students.
Nonrefundable registration fee of $50 is due at sign-up.
Tuition is $450 (Registration fee is part of tuition fee.)
Tuition includes t-shirt, script, costume, and four family tickets to their public performance.
Students are required to have black ballet/jazz shoes and for the performances will need to provide a base layer of clothing and makeup.
$50 Registration fee (goes toward tuition costs and is due at registration)
50% of tuition due 30 August.
Rest of tuition is due 13 September.
$50 Registration payment can be sent via venmo @RonHolman-IFCT (Please put Class and child's name in memo) or a check can be sent to Ron Holman, 2343 Cincinnati Ave, Panama City FL 32405 (please put Class and child's name in memo).
We are using a new class a management system; you will be able to see your account balance in real time and get class updates! We are really excited (well, Ms. Christine is really, really excited ;)
We have grown out of our previous rehearsal space. We will be announcing our new location soon! It will be in Panama City.